Indice Annali di storia dell'Esegesi 29/2 2012

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Presentazione.......................................................................... 7


In memoria di Pier Cesare Bori.............................................. 9-12


Tobias Nicklas, Eine neue alte Erzählung im Rahmen

antiker Jesustraditionen: Reste eines Exorzismus

auf P.Oxy. lxxvi 5072............................................................... 13-27


David A. Creech, The Lawless Pride: Jewish Identity

in the Fragments of Eupolemus.............................................. 29-51


Mara Rescio – Luigi Walt, “There Is Nothing Unclean”:

Jesus and Paul against the Politics of Purity?....................... 53-81


Matteo Tubiana, Il viaggio celeste in Paolo:

un pattern per l’interpretazione di un’esperienza?................ 83-117


Federico Adinolfi, The Displaced Baptism: Luke 7:29

as the Original Conclusion to Luke 3:10-14........................... 119-132


Elna Mouton, Memory in Search of Dignity? Construction

of Early Christian Identity through Redescribed Traditional

Material in the Letter to the Ephesians................................... 133-153


Bas van Os, The Role of the Apostles

in the Letter of Peter to Philip ................................................. 155-160


Paul Middleton, Enemies of the (Church and) State:

Martyrdom as a Problem for Early Christianity..................... 161-181


Chiara Spuntarelli, I logoi e l’agorà in Giovanni Crisostomo... 183-217


Isabella Adinolfi, Etty Hillesum.

La condivisione nel profondo.................................................. 219-233



Recensioni .............................................................................. 235-253