Critica alle teorie ingenue di Dunn e Bauckham sull’attendibilità storica della memoria

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Per una critica alle teorie ingenue sull’attendibilità storica della memoria sostenute da J.Dunn e R. Bauckham


Z. A. Crook, “Collective Memory

Distortion and the Quest for the Historical Jesus”, Biblical Theological Bulletin 2013;


J.S.Kloppenborg, “Memory, Performance, and

the Sayings of Jesus”, Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus 10 (2012) 97–132; 


J.C.S Redman., “How Accurate

are Eyewitnesses? Bauckham and the Eyewitnesses in Light of Psychological Research,” Journal of Biblical Literature

129 (2010) 177-97;

J. Painter, “Memory Holds the Key: The Trasformation of Memory in the Interface of History and

Theology in John”, in Anderson P.N. – Just F. – Thatcher T. (eds.), 2007, 229-245.


S. Radstone – B. Schwartz, Memory: Histories, Theories, Debates,  New York, Fordham University Press 2010;

Barbara A. Misztal, Theories of Social Remembering , Philadelphia, Open University Press, 2003; una panoramica

italiana: E.Agazzi – V.Fortunati (a cura di), Memoria e saperi. Percorsi transdisciplinari , Roma, Meltemi, 2007.